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Posts by: Admin

  1. Great books I haven’t read yet… July 4, 2004

    Posted in General Ramblings.

    rev="post-107" 2 comments
  2. Postcards from Hartford October 15, 2000

    Posted in Observations.

    rev="post-678" No comments
  3. What? An update? October 15, 2000

    Posted in Quick Thoughts.

    rev="post-679" No comments
  4. First Shots of the New Condo July 14, 2000

    Posted in Observations.

    rev="post-683" No comments
  5. Welcome Back! March 26, 2000

    Posted in Quick Thoughts.

    rev="post-692" No comments
  6. Why Scowl, Nu? March 11, 2000

    Posted in General Ramblings.

    rev="post-695" No comments
  7. My November 30, 1999

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-980" No comments
  8. The Great KitKat Taste Test August 2, 1999

    Posted in Smirks.

    rev="post-710" No comments
  9. Front Pages May 23, 1999

    Posted in Chronicles.

    rev="post-736" No comments
  10. The Boxing Chronicles April 3, 1999

    Posted in Chronicles.

    rev="post-750" No comments
  11. Illlumine Project: 7 Deadly Sins February 26, 1999

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-763" No comments
  12. Where February 7, 1999

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-773" No comments
  13. Nobody February 5, 1999

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-776" No comments
  14. San December 10, 1998

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-802" No comments
  15. Life December 3, 1998

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-808" No comments
  16. Thanks November 26, 1998

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-813" No comments
  17. A Special Guest Entry from Carlos November 20, 1998

    Posted in General Ramblings.

    rev="post-1347" No comments
  18. Let November 13, 1998

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-821" No comments
  19. To November 6, 1998

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-829" No comments
  20. Holiday, October 30, 1998

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-834" No comments
  21. We October 22, 1998

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-840" No comments
  22. An October 16, 1998

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-845" No comments
  23. I October 5, 1998

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-855" No comments
  24. 10/98 – 8/98 October 1, 1998

    Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

    rev="post-860" No comments
  25. On September 29, 1998

    Posted in Topics of the Week (1990s).

    rev="post-864" No comments