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Welcome Back!

After almost a six month hiatus since our last update to Scowl, Nu?… we're back!

To all of our long time readers, thanks for all of the ongoing support of both Scowl, Nu? and ScowlZine… and to all of the new readers coming here for the first time… Welcome to Scowl, Nu? a slightly bitter slice of life from your gracious hosts Avery and Janet!

Ok, now on to new business. Previous visitors to Scowl, Nu? will realize that the format has completely changed to make it easier both for the reader to navigate and for the two of us to update. In geek terms, we're using a homegrown PHP3 and MySQL entry management system. All of the previous Scowl, Nu? postings have been migrated to the new system, but if you see (or rather don't see&#41 anything from the previous from the old Scowl, Nu?… just shoot us an email!

Anyway, it's one of the first nice days of the season out here in Hartford… so why the heck are we in here writing this front page instead of going out and having a good time?

— Avery and Janet

Posted in Quick Thoughts.

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