The best Chimi in the FiDi
- Review of: Orale Orale
- By: Avery Glasser
- Rating:
- Read review on Judy’s Book.
For over a decade, I’ve been going to Orale Orale for excellent chimichangas, fantastic margaritas and some of the best salsa in town. I wouldn’t ever give away the secret of the margarita-to-go, but since the cat is out of the bag already, I’ll just go ahead and sing its praises. Many times, my team would head out to Orale for lunch and spend a quiet afternoon at our desks sipping on our innocuous soda cups filled with the magical lime and tequila elixir. Sure, we could have been busted, but then the management would have to stop doing take out margaritas as well.
For years, Orale Orale was the great equalizer – from management down to us lowly grunts, we would sit side by side with salsa laden chips in one hand and margaritas in the other.
It’s an Embarcadero Center legend and worth a visit for lunch or a very early dinner.
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