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Archived Smirk

Well, today has been a good day… well comparatively good compared to the last 3 days. On Friday, I started to feel a little under the weather. Saturday I felt about the same, but some noodle soup (and stupidly a few beers&#41 made me feel better. Late Saturday night was spent dealing with the food poisoning from the soup. Sunday morning, I woke up early so I could accompany Janet to the tattoo shop as she got her armband finished. Sunday afternoon, I felt better. Sunday night, I lost my voice. I have spent the whole week working from home, which is driving me crazy.
However, I am not the only person with this cold… my boss contracted it at the same time (when we were in Colorado Springs&#41 and has been home sick as well. Wait… this isn't a scowl… where is the smirky part?
This morning, I woke up with a minor cough, but my voice was pretty well back. For lunch, I was able to eat something hearty for the first time (I haven't had much of an appetite the last few days, yet I haven't lost any weight&#41… a roast beef grinder from King Foot Subs. Then, on the walk back home, I stopped by Comix Experience for the first time in two weeks to find that the new Star Wars Manga, and the latest edition of Ariel Schrag's Potential. And to sweeten the pot, I was able to get a limited edition Harley Quinn action figure as a surprise for Janet. Finally, while surfing the web, I found the announcement that the Barenaked Ladies are going to be on tour and is going to be in San Francisco (at the Warfield&#41 on October 30. All in all, not a bad way to end a cold.

Posted in Smirks.

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