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Beer Geeking

It’s not even worth thinking that if we go to the Toronado on a Saturday night that we’ll be back home before 2 am. Last night, Janet and I met up with Jocelyn, her brother Paul and Jocelyn’s college friend Shadee for what we initially thought would be a few beers and an early night. Well, it was an early night… or actually early in the morning… because I was eating turkey schwarma in front of the TV at 3am.

It’s always fun going to the Toronado with some adventurous souls who have never been there before and have no idea what to order. As usual, I was pegged as the beer geek and told to order for everyone…. well, everyone except for Janet, who decided to stick with Guinness and Framboise all night. Jocelyn ended up with a Boont Amber, Weinstephaner, and a Framboise. Paul started with a Paulaner Hefeweisen

and then moved on to some Belk’s ESB and a Framboise… some of the best beers in the world. Shadee ended up with a Red Hook Rye and a Framboise. Me? I ended up drinking Death and Taxes, Maximus, Hop Ottin IPA, Thurn und Taxis Roggen, and a Boont.

It was a fun night… Jocelyn regaled us with her stories about her exploits at Somewhere Else, another bar in San Francisco… Paul told room mate stories that topped even our best stories, and Tad, even though he wasn’t wearing a muscle shirt, flexed for us… but only once. Sigh… so many beers, so little time.

Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

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