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Great Ballpark Wine and Spirits

Great Ballpark Wine and Spirits

Review of: K & L Wine Merchants
By: Avery Glasser
Rating: 4
Read review on Judy’s Book.

If I were a wine aficionado, I would probably fall completely in lust with K&L, considering I can practically see it from my window. But I’m not a wino, I’m a self-avowed alkie. I like my distillates, and when it comes to fermented grape juice, my palate is just not that precise.

With that said, K&L has an amazing selection of whiskeys, including some scotch that I didn’t think was being imported into the states.

While the staff is extremely knowledgable, all purchasing for spirits is handled from the Redwood City location, which means that when I need a special order, I need to contact the remote location, find the spirit buyer and make my request.

The selection is massive and the prices are more than fair… and the distillate section leans heavily towards scotch and irish whisky, which makes me very happy.

It probably deserves 5 stars, but having the whisky buyer stationed at another location knocks it down a point.

Posted in Reviews.

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