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Not for the Nicotine Free

Not for the Nicotine Free

Review of: Place Pigalle
By: Avery Glasser
Rating: 1
Read review on Judy’s Book.

A great beer selection, a $2.75 draft happy hour and a policy of accepting credit cards for even small bar tabs… I used to love this place until tonight, when I had to deal with at least four people smoking cigarettes (and there were probably more in the back based on the amount of smoke in the bar).

I used to be a strong advocate of smokers’ rights at the turn of the millenium, but since then I have grown to appreciate not having to scrub the smoke off of me after a night of drinking. It’s not even like the bartender was a smoker, he just had a “well, I’m not a smoker but I guess I am tonight” attitude.

A dozen beers on tap, soju cocktails, and credit cards accepted. The bar can keep one point for my history with them. That’s it. With much better places to drink without the airborne carcinogens, this rainy Friday night will be my last time there.

Posted in Reviews.

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