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Looking for that needle in the haystack…

Looking for that needle in the haystack…

Review of: Jeremy’s
By: Avery Glasser
Rating: 3
Read review on Judy’s Book.

Listen, I’m a big guy… even if I didn’t have the gut, years of boxing left me with a 19 inch neck, which is somewhere between a rugby player and a tree trunk. Add in years of being a professional barfly and three years of heavy german food, and I’m just big. I accept it. However, when it comes to finding shirts that fit my neck without making me look like I’m being fitted by Omar the tent maker, I’m pretty much out of luck.

And if there are challenges getting a shirt, finding a nice sportcoat is even more of a challenge.

When living in Europe, Marks and Spencer was my salvation – their suits and sportcoats went up to sizes that I couldn’t ever bear to achieve… so finding something that fit me well was never a problem. Unfortunately, I left without making a final trip to London to stock up. So, when I decided that I needed another sportcoat, I was already mentally preparing myself for the horrors of clothes shopping at one of the major department stores. That’s when I remembered Jeremy’s – just one block from my apartment.

Jeremy’s is an outlet store, taking remainders from manufacturers and department stores and selling them really cheap. How cheap? Today, I found a grey pinstripe two button sportcoat – Barney New York brand no less – im my size that was originally $490 for only $90.

If you’re in the “typical” male body shape range, you’ll have tons of things to choose from. Hell, there were two racks of Lucky Brand Jeans (my favorite) there – brand spanking new for about $30 a pair. Even for us manly-sized folks, there are options. Give them a shot when you need to buy a suit, but be prepared: all purchases are pretty much final. Cross your fingers, hope for the best and make a run towards South Park. You may just find the jacket you were looking for…

Posted in Reviews.

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