John Locke said it well before the Founding Fathers corrupted it and put it to parchment. He stated that the inalienable rights of man were Life, Liberty and Property… much more rational than the Pursuit of Happiness if you ask me.
Well, who are we to disagree with John Locke… so we went out and bought a condo.
That's why we've been sort of scarce the last few months… buying a place sort of takes up all of the available mental processes if ya catch our drift. But we're now in and unpacked and we have the stories and battle scars from this move that legends are made of… and you, our faithful readers will get a snootfull of stories over the coming months.
— A and J
Oh, and let us not forget to pimp our sister site, ScowlZine: A little Scowl, Nu?… a little New England Pragmatism and a bunch of writers writing about the most bizarre things they can think of…
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