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On Memorial Day

Gays in the army. Women in submarines. Is anybody else sick of hearing the Moral Majority complain about this sort of crap?

Here and now, you will get Avery's first and last commentary on the issue.

In a so-called professional military machine where there is honor and discipline in the ranks, you shouldn't have to worry about ANYTHING happening to ANYONE in the shower or the training grounds or the battle fields.

That's the message that the United States Military tried to espouse when it first "allowed" women into the ranks to train and eventually fight alongside with male soldiers. To say that either a straight man would have to worry about the unwanted advances of a gay soldier when in combat or that a woman would allow a situation to occur where she would get pregnant, jeopardizing the safety and morale of her submarine and shipmates would then be ludicrous.

That is, unless the message from the Pentagon is just a sham and that the military can't control its soldiers and officers. So, tell me, which is it?

This sort of crap only comes up in times of peace. If, God forbid, there is ever a war that causes the government to reinstate the draft, do you think that any inductee will be asked their sexual preference? Do you think that women will be restricted submarine duty? Of course not. Then the Moral Majority would praise all of the Fine Men and Women of the Armed Forces who sacrifice so mush in this time of great need. But not now. Now the message is how anyone who is different is a threat to morale. Funny, in World War II they said the same message about blacks in the military… and sixty years later the military still stands.

Personally, if anybody, regardless of gender, sexuality, medical condition, you name it – wants to serve and defend their country – who the hell is anybody to tell you that you can't? Why is it that a gay man cannot choose to serve their country but has an equal chance of being drafted into serving their country? It's this sort of specious reasoning that is destroying the fiber of America.

Well, never let it be said that ol' Avery never did his part. Here goes a message out to any homosexual interested in serving in the military or woman interested serving in a submarine: I, Avery Glasser, being of sound mind and body, upon the re-instatement of the draft will pass along my draft ticket and number to the first candidate interested in serving his or her country. No questions asked. You can take my place on the front line dodging bullets.

And if it bothers the poor little soldiers that they have to fight alongside someone different from them and it kills morale to the extent that some politicos want you to believe, maybe this nation doesn't deserve to exist anymore.

Posted in Scowls.

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