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Stolen Logo

Bizarre, bizarre, bizarre.

Saturday night, promptly after arriving at the Toronado, Ian came up to us and started pointing at the table behind us. Guys, he said, I’m tripping over that t-shirt. A few minutes later, Ian was trading a Toronado shirt for the shirt off of this bewildered patron’s back.

So, you might be wondering, what was so interesting about this shirt?

The shirt was from a bar in Chester, Connecticut (where the patron was visiting from) called Pattaconk 1850. The strangest thing is that the logo is the EXACT SAME as the Toronado’s classic pint-glass-in-clenched-fist logo.

Bizarre. It seems that 3800 miles away, another bar thought that they could rip off my bar’s logo and nobody would ever find out. Well, they were wrong… and a tourist in a brand new Toronado t-shirt has started what may possibly become a bicoastal brew-ha-ha.

Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

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