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Metro Carts

Yesterday afternoon, as I was leaving work, I noticed that the candy store in the lobby of my office building was closing. It seems that the management of the building wants to change the lobby layout, so they are kicking out the candy store, the deli and the newspaper shop from the building. It's sad, because the candy shop has been a downtown fixture for almost 20 years, and it is being shut down because of corporate greed.

Anyway, as I was walking by, I noticed that they were breaking down all of the furniture, including a number of metro carts. Metro carts are industrial shelving units that we use for storage in the apartment. So, I went in and asked the owner how much the metros were going for.

I ended up bringing home two large 20 year old metro carts, which now retail for over $350 per piece, for only $75 each. The owner said that he was sad that the shop was closing, but was happy that a piece of his store's history would survive.

This morning, I walked by the shop and noticed that it was completely empty, with a sign out front thanking everybody for their patronage over the last twenty years. I couldn't help thinking about the two metro carts sitting in the apartment and knowing that it make the owner smile as I took them home.

Posted in Smirks.

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