One day a couple of weeks ago when we were feeling especially dedicated to becoming more active, we decided to walk to Andronico's, a grocery store that we never go to because it's pretty far away. We arrived one and a half hours later snapping at each other, not so much because it had turned dark and cold, but probably because our blood sugar levels had become incredibly low. Regardless, we quickly discovered that we had found a supermarket to end all supermarkets. Historically, I am a fan of visiting grocery stores when we go out of town, (some people frequent tourist traps and T-shirt vendors, I peruse the butcher counter.) especially to other states. I love looking in every single one of the aisles at all the cool stuff that those people get when they go shopping, and we almost always bring something back home. In Seattle it was Thomas Kemper Black Cherry Soda, in San Diego it was Durkee's (now Frank's) Red Hot.
I swear, Andronico's stocks every single cool thing found in all the other stores. AND they have a enormous butcher counter where you can buy just one chicken breast instead of four, if you so desire, or already marinated lamb, or one of 15 different types of sausage, or shish-kabobs, even. A bakery and a deli and a seafood department and an olive bar and a counter where you pick the ingredients for a stirfry and they make it for you, and frozen chicken stock and Batempte mustard and already-made pesto and a cheese department, and RC in the 2-liter bottle and Parmalot non-refrigerated-milk-in-the-box and 200 different kinds of beer sold as singles so you don't have to make a commitment to six or feel weird by breaking up a box of six. This just scratches the surface, my friends. I could live in there.
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