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Sick of Colorado Already

I'm sick. I hate being sick. When I got back from Colorado Springs on Thursday, my throat was hurting a little bit, but I figured that it was just from the recirculated air on the plane. Friday morning, my throat was still hurting, but I figured that if I had my vitamins and some juice that all would be fine. I was wrong. This morning, I couldn't speak. Though I have been getting progressively better, thanks to the Cepastat lozenges that I have been sucking on for the last few hours, it still hurts to talk and I am feeling awfully tired. I have been trying not to push my luck… instead of talking, I have been typing on the computer notepad (and then tapping Janet on the shoulder so that she'll read the damn note&#41. I'm starting to feel like that guy from the Real World London who couldn't talk after getting his tongue bitten off. But, it's worth resting my voice if it will mean that I have the energy to go out for beer at the Toronado tonight! Sigh. Well, time to have some more tea.

Posted in Scowls.

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