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Shine on…

Shine on…

Review of: Shine
By: Avery Glasser
Rating: 4
Read review on Judy’s Book.

We’re fans of Sauce, so when I got my notice that there was an event at Shine tonight, I jumped at the chance.

It’s Sauce, but redone as a bar. Lots of tech kitsch like the photo booth, great ventilation, a nice space and a bar that is comfortable almost to the point of being too comfortable, especially when Trip is making the drinks.

10 points for having mini-fridge bottle service, something that is sorely lacking on the Left Coast. For about $200, you get table space and a mini-fridge with a fifth (or two splits) of premium alcohol, a good selection of mixers and a half-dozen airplane “minis” ranging from Don Julio tequila to Fernet Branca. Yep. Get 5 of your friends to pony up about $35 a head and you’re drinking in style for the night.A Cure for Wellness 2017 movie download

I haven’t been here on a regular night, so I might have to amend it when I see the non-party crowd, but based on what I have seen so far, it’s a definite four stars.

Posted in Reviews.

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