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Three countries in five days…

Ok. So everyone is wondering why there have been no postings for the last few weeks. Just to give everybody an idea of a typical week in my life…

Last Friday, friends came in to town for the weekend. That was Friday and Saturday. Followed with a marathon meeting day on Monday, a flight to Brussels on Wednesday for work and then a train to Paris on Thursday. Follow a day of meetings in Paris with a delayed flight from Charles de Gaulle, one of the poorest excuses for a major airport which got me into the Munich airport after 11pm leaving me with Burger King as the only food option (since there was no food at the terminal in Charles de Gaulle where I spent over 4 hours), which got me home practically at midnight, at which point I had to unpack from the previous night and then pack for a weekend in London, rush around at work for Friday, rush to the airport and fly out to london for the Eddie Izzard show.

In five days, I was in three countries, not counting Germany.

At least the holiday break starts Wednesday afternoon…

Posted in General Ramblings.

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