The Bar Without Pretense
- Review of: Dave
- By: Avery Glasser
- Rating:
- Read review on Judy’s Book.
I hate reviewing Dave’s, because within two hours of arriving, I’ve really fallen for the place and I don’t want it to get more crowded. There’s a dozen beers on tap ranging from $4 (Deschutes Mirror Pond, Boont Amber, Big Daddy) to $4.50 (Guinness, Murphy’s, Trumer Pils) and the Fernet runs like water.
For a bar sitting smack between the Financial District and the Ballpark, there’s absolutely no attitude. The barstaff was friendly, and even the two women hired by Jägermeister to entice people to drink that swill were pleasant and unobtrusive.
It’s a bar for drinkers. If you’re nearby and in the mood to get your drink on, it feels just like home.
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