Good Cocktails at the Hotel Vitale
- Review of: Americano
- By: Avery Glasser
- Rating:
- Read review on Judy’s Book.
Great drinks, nice bartenders, and getting to sit next to Jerry Doyle, Babylon 5’s Michael Garibaldi? What else could this cocktail geek want?
Yes, from Friday until Sunday, it’s horribly mobbed – and on nice nights during the week, the outdoor patio can be an absolute horror scene, but if you can get it when the crowds have ebbed down, it’s a good place to go for a drink.
Cocktails are well made, and the bar gets extra points for using Campari in their signature drink. I with the beer selection wasn’t so typical… Boont, Spaten, Heineken, Anchor, Fat Tire, etc. Something unique would be nice.
As hotel bars goes, it’s one of the best – but it still can’t hold a candle to one of the great bars such as Rye, Bacar or Range.
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