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Kölner Geisterzug

I wish I had words to explain this evening…

This evening, my neighborhood hosted the Geisterzug, one of the many parades that are part of Köln’s Carneval festivities.

The Geisterzug, or Ghost Parade wound through the Agnesviertel, with the crowds starting around 6pm, and it is still going strong now at midnight.

We started at 6pm at Havana having a few Sion Kölsch. From there, we went to Früh im Veedel for three more, followed by three .33l bottles of Mühlen Kölsch at the street vendors, two Gaffels at Balthasar and a final Sion at Zweipann at the corner. This doesn’t include the large Kölsch this afternoon at Früh or the Gaffel at Kaufhof this afternoon. Yes, you truly can’t appreciate Karneval without a a Kölsch in your hand.

Words just can’t describe it. Drum corps, people in skeleton costumes, and a few thousand people in the streets wandering to the eis-stadion across from our apartment. I would write more, but I am debating whether to headi out and join the fray once again…

Posted in Cologne Life.

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