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München 1 – München 0

FC Bayern vs TSV 1860FC Bayern vs TSV 1860FC Bayern vs TSV 1860FC Bayern vs TSV 1860

This afternoon, we went to Das Derby – the match between München’s FC Bayern and TSV 1860. These tickets were the last part of my birthday gift from my colleagues, and Stefan and Christiane were there as well to enjoy the match. FC Bayern won the league championships 4 times in the last 6 years (if I can remember my facts) and even though they are in 4th place place right now, they played like they are still number one, beating TSV 1860 1 to 0.

Things are different at a German soccer game in comparison to an American game: the match is much more active, there are more aerial moves and there are less pauses in the game play. More importantly, the crowd of 69000 people actually were focused on the game – not picking fights with others in the crowd. Oh, and the beer: half liters for only 3 Euros.
Afterwards, we decided that instead of braving the crowds at the U-Bahn, we would stop by at one of the kiosks for a glühwein (mulled hot red wine) while everyone cleared out of the subway station. Truly, a great end to a birthday.

Posted in Munich Life, Pictures.

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