Contrary to popular belief, Germany is not Anti-American.
Open up most major American newspapers or turn on CNN and you’ll probably be barraged with stories of how Europeans, most specifically Germans and the French are making a national pastime of bashing America.
Well, I can’t speak for my neighbors to the West, but I can tell you first hand about the Anti-American sentiment that is running rampant here in Deutschland.
Specifically, it’s bullshit. Complete, unadulterated bullshit.
Sure, there the majority of people here in Germany believe that based on the UN findings, a war in Iraq is completely unwarranted at this time. It is also true that a good number of the Germans I have talked to are at the least severely confised by the US Government’s position and at most are in strong disagreement with its destabilizing position. But Anti-American?
To me, for a nation to be Anti-American, you’re talking about North Vietnam during the war – where Americans are singled out, arrested for no reason and killed on the spot. Well, I can tell you that I walk the streets of München with no fear of being arrested and tried for my country’s actions. In fact, the worst thing I have to worry about on the streets is someone asking me for directions in German and not being able to help them out.
Germany is not Anti-American. In fact, Germany tends to have very kind feelings towards America and its people. What it doesn’t have a soft spot for is George W. Bush, who the general consensus of people I have talked to feel is a dangerous, unstable war-mongerer. But again, they’re just stating their opinion in a rational, non-voilent discourse… and since when did that become Anti-American?
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