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A Helpful List

Ok, time to play a little game called: How to avoid getting smacked by Avery when riding the bus.

  • DON’T sneak in through the back door because you don’t want to pay the $1.00 fare.
  • REALLY DON’T do this and then pretend that you don’t speak English when the driver then tells you to get off.
  • DO get off the bus when the driver decides that he’s not going to leave the stop because you sneaked in and everyone on the bus starts screaming for you to get the hell off.
  • DON’T yabber in Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Spanish at the top of your lungs to your countryman sitting four rows behind you.
  • DO get up from the seats marked “reserved for the elderly and handicapped” if someone who is elderly and/or handicapped comes in.
  • DO have your money or your MUNI pass ready before you get on the bus.
  • DON’T play rap (or any other music) on your boom box… at any volume.
  • AND FINALLY… DON’T EVER stand in the stairwell when I want to get out at my stop.

Posted in Muni Chronicles.

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