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Archived Smirk

Janet and I got a subscription to the Best of Broadway series this year, and the first show of the series was Evita, which we saw Thursday night.

I wasn't really keen on seeing this show. I love musicals, but I just don't like Andrew Lloyd Webber's stuff. Phantom of the Opera makes me gag, and I really don't like Cats… so I wasn't looking forward to watching a two-and-a-half hour Webber snooze fest.

However, the show really impressed me. The staging, choreography was absolutely amazing. The acting was great (aside from the woman playing Evita, who was a little stiff&#41… and the male lead (playing the role of Che&#41 was outstanding. When the intermission hit, Janet and I were anxiously waiting for the second act.

But as most musicals go… the second act was choppy and rushed (though there were some great moments in the staging of the second act&#41… and what some people might have called an ending was absolutely atrocious.

My overall opinion is that the new staging of Evita is very good, and has the chance of winning some awards if it makes it to Broadway. Still, I have three reservations with this production:
1&#41 The music was by Andrew Lloyd Webber
2&#41 The lyrics are by Tim Rice
3&#41 The story is about Eva Peron
If they could just take care these three things, I would list this as one of my absolute favorite shows of all time.

Posted in Smirks.

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