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The Great Blackout of 1998

“The power blows!”


Since there was a Bay Area-wide power outage on Tuesday, I got to go home early, and since I got to go home early, I finally got to spend a Tuesday noon hour at the Toronado! Even though there was no power, they were still open with candles all over the place for light and a hand crank on the ancient cash register for change. Though Avery spends his lunch hour here on most every Tuesday, I’ve never been; and what a shame that is because it’s not crowded at all, and even if it was crowded you wouldn’t mind because its pretty much 100% locals, and Tuesday afternoon is Ian’s shift, and if all that wasn’t enough, it’s Happy Hour until 6 PM! We laughed and talked and sat, then laughed some more at a newspaper article about two boys who jumped onto a moving boxcar (just like in the movies!) which happened to be full of Miller beer, got stuck inside and then had to drink the beer to stay alive.

I drank more than I probably should have for noon on a weekday, right before going to the gym no less, and when I got home I had to forage the apartment for food.  All I found was a small block of Havarti cheese, a hardboiled egg, and some Success rice. I ate them all.

Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

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