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Working from Home

I tend to work from home on Tuesdays, because my first conference call starts before 7am. That’s one of the perks of working for my company: telecommuting.

Anyway, after working over eight hours without a break, I decided that it was time for a break. So, at 3:30, I decided to take my first break… and what place is better for a break than the Toronado?

I arrived to find one of my favorite bartenders on shift: Robert. Robert immediately served me an Aventinus. It’s always a treat to find Robert at the bar, because he only works the occasional fill-in shift. However, he informed me that this week he was filling in at least one shift a day until Sunday because Ian was on vacation in Southern California.

So, Robert and I talked for a half of an hour… then he left to cash out. You see, at the Toronado they work on a three-shift system. The first shift comes in at 11ish and works until 4, shift #2 comes on at 4 and works until 9 and then the final shift comes in at 9 and stays until 2am (plus about 3 hours until they’re done cleaning). Robert is working shifts 1 and 3 on Wednesday and shift 3 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Needless to say, we’ll be spending a lot of time at the Toronado this week.

At 4pm, Robert told Steve (the shift 2 bartender) that he was taking care of my next beer (another Aventinus) and I thanked him with an Underberg.

It was a strange afternoon, filled with tourists and a handful of locals, but it didn’t mind. As soon as Robert cashed out, he came to the other side of the bar and had an Aventinus with me. As soon as he finished his half pint of Aventinus, I finished my half-liter and headed out.

Before I left, I tried the new Anchor Holiday Beer. I usually love this beer, but this year it just sucked. It was overly roasted and bluntly, it was disgusting. This was the sort of beer that didn’t deserve the Anchor name.

Dave (the owner) is still putting up more Christmas beers, including the Golden Pacific Hibernator Bock. In addition, the Piraat (a Belgian beer) came online. I can’t wait until January when the winter beer craze is over.

Expect updates over the next few days.

Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

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