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Sausage and a Beer

Today was a rainy, miserable day in San Francisco, so I decided to pop into the Toronado for a quick pint to lift my spirits. On the way to the bar, I stopped in to Rosamunde to order up a sausage. Jeff, the owner was there… and right next to him was Robert, one of my favorite bartenders. It looks like he picked up a day-time shift over at Rosamunde. Hooray.

So, with sausage in hand, I moseyed over to the Toronado and grabbed a seat next to Dave, the owner. Ian came over and asked what I wanted. Since the only new beer on tap was the Red Seal (Cask Conditioned), I decided to start off with a pint of that… I chose wisely. Red Seal has always been one of my favorite beers, and it is even better on hand pump.

Dave informed me that the Delerium Tremens (a belgian strong ale) will be on tap in a few weeks. That, and as soon as the Celebrator runs out, the Aventinus is coming on.

That was it for this outing to the Toronado… tune in on Friday when you can find out about the Dylan Thomas night!

Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

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