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Weeknight Beer

Usually, Janet and I don’t go to the Toronado during the week… unless there is a special event going on. However, when Carlos stopped by my desk to let me know that he was going to be in my neighborhood later tonight, I figured… Hey, let’s all meet for a beer at the Toronado!

We met up with Carlos at around 7:40pm. We would have been there sooner, but the smell of Jeff’s fresh chili made us hungry, so we stopped in and got a sausage before heading into the bar. We were only there for around an hour and a half, but it was a fun hour and a half. I went through a pint of the Moonlight Boney Fingers, a Hop Ottin IPA and a pint of the Spaten Oktoberfest. Janet had a pair of Spaten Oktoberfests and Carlos had a Deschutes Obsidian Stout

and a Hop Ottin before calling it a night.

Oh yeah, Carlos wants me to tell everybody that he played some good tunes on the jukebox too!

There’s not that much more to say, because not much more than that happened. But still, it was a good way to kick off the end of the week.

Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

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