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Stone Night

Last night was the Stone Brewing night at the Toronado. Dave’s (the owner) special beer nights usually attract the Who’s Who in the California Beer World.

Celebrator Beer News correspondent Nico Freecia was there, along with the brewers from Stone, Speakeasy, Moylan’s and Russian River. The creators of the Real Beer pages were there too. It was a perfect way to spend an early evening hour!

Anyway, I started off with a Stone Arrogant Bastard, and them moved to their Anniversary IPA. Since I was still in a hoppy mood, I ordered a Lagunitas Maximus, but halfway through it decided to trade it for the last half of Janet’s Anniversary IPA. Hopefully Dave will be able to keep the Arrogant Bastard on tap for a while… if not, he always keeps a case of it in the fridge for Arrogant Bastard Beer Drinkers like me.

Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

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