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Who do they design these for?

Shopping for clothes seems like such a simple, possibly even enjoyable, thing for most people to do. I've always thought so, too, until the last few times that I've gone from store to store to store without finding a single thing. I'm not a particularly super-skinny girl, and not too particularly girly, either, meaning I favor comfort and sturdiness of clothes over what's in fashion at any particular moment. When I go into the Gap, my eye immediately drifts over to the men's section where all of the clothes look very comfortable and broken in, and slightly loose and baggy without being huge. The women's section, however, includes jeans which are tight and form-fitting, skirts which are short and form-fitting, and T-shirts that would fit a 4-year-old, they're so tiny.

All I want is a pair of shorts that aren't short-shorts. Evidently, that's too much to ask, because hanger after hanger is filled with shorts so short, they barely cover my butt. I want long shorts like the boys! I want my cargo pants to be a little baggy, not cling to my hips and ass so I have to suck in my stomach all day! I want T-shirts that aren't skin-tight! Can we do away with this Baby-Tee thing already? Who buys those things? I swear, they look like they could fit a Cabbage Patch doll, and not only that, they're like $30 each! And speaking of prices, why are simple flannel-type shirts $48 – $54 apiece? I refuse to pay this kind of money for something that may fall apart in the wash two months from now. I once got a gift certificate for Ann Taylor, the fancy-schmancy women's store. After finally finding something in my size (a long black skirt&#41 I used $80 of my $100 gift certificate and happily took it home. A couple of wearings later it ripped right down the back, and I've hardly ever worn it since, even though I tried to sew the skirt back together. That's why I'd rather shop at Old Navy. If I only pay $20 for something, I don't mind as much if it rips or shrinks or gets a stain on it as I would if I spend $75, or even $50 on it. Old Navy men's department, here I come!

Posted in Scowls.

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