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Dim Sum and some dim bulbs

On our way home from a Dim Sum lunch at Yank Sing, we decided to stop at Safeway to pick up some dinner stuff (if you're interested, we're making pork chops with a mushroom sauce, aspragus and wild rice pilaf&#41. The shopping went by quickly and uneventfully, though the selection of shallots was horrible.
As we got to the checkout line, the bagger asked "Paper or Plastic". I responded, "double plastic, and please pack them light because we have to walk"… the same response I use every time at Safeway. I guess the bagger was some kind of superwoman because she packed them to the point where the bags were about to rip. A note to all baggers reading this scowl: packing 2 large bottles of All Sport and a 2 liter bottle of Storm Soda is NOT packing a bag lightly! So, Janet and I go to the next check-stand and start re-bagging the groceries. Superwoman bagger notices what we were doing and flippantly says (in between chewing and popping her gum&#41 "Oh, I didn't pack them light enough." I couldn't even dignify that comment with a response.

Posted in Scowls.

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