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Archived Smirk

I have now embarked on my next tattoo project… a sea-scape on my left arm. The work started by my new tattoo artist (Idexa at Black and Blue tattoos, who is doing an amazing job&#41 fixing the botched job that Jeff at 222 Tattoo did a few months ago on the first fish, and then outlining the three new fish on my arm and starting the color. It's good that I got my bloodwork (for my physical&#41 done already, because the new ink in my bloodstream will throw the tests off for a few months. As soon as this work heals, we'll finish up the color and the black, then start working on the seaweed. It should take 1-2 more sessions to finish.
Anyway, people have asked me what getting a tattoo feels like. It feels like a light sunburn. The better the tattoo artist, the less it burns. My current tattoo feels like I spent a few extra minutes in the sun. The first tattoo I ever got (the boxing gloves&#41 took almost three hours, and that still didn't feel as bad as the last sunburn that I got. It's worth the discomfort.

Posted in Smirks.

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