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Lucky 13

Tonight was the night to go and visit an old friend. The old friend was named Boddington, as in Boddington’s Cream Ale and the place where I had it was Lucky 13. Janet and I decided to stop off at Lucky 13 on our way home for a few beers. I forgot how much I really love that place. Beyond the great music… and beyond the great Frank Kozik posters decorating the walls… and beyond the 2 pinball machines… the place just has great booze.

Lucky 13 has 20 or so beers on tap… including a number of German and Domestic beers (no Bud, Miller or Coors!) on tap, a great selection of German and Belgian beers in the bottle, and Berliner Weisse with both Raspberry and Woodruff syrup.

The last time I was at Lucky 13 was for a co-worker’s birthday. I decided to have a Berliner Weisse with woodruff syrup. Talk about a bizarre looking beer! Berliner Weisse is an iridescent white beer, which is extremely sour, like a Belgian Lambic, due to its Malolactic Fermentation. When you add the alien-green Woodruff syrup, you end up with this x-files shimmering green sweet-and-sour beer. Not my favorite drink, but it’s unique, and that’s worth an occasional drink.

However, I did not have the Berliner Weisse this time. Today, I stuck with Lagunitas IPA and Boddington’s Cream Ale… a treat at any price, especially when it is on Nitro pump and especially when it is one dollar off due to the happy hour! I decided to have an Underburg as well. Yum.

It was a hard decision to not have an Old Potrero, which is always a treat at $9.75 … but I have a bottle at home… and I didn’t want to splurge.If I haven’t ever raved about the selection of Whiskeys and Tequilas at Lucky 13, let me do it now. Rave. Rave. Rave.

Beer was followed by Chili and Baconcheeseburgers at Sparkys. Healthy? Naaaahh. But it was tasty.

Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

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