TSN (Typical Saturday Night). Headed out to the Toronado for a few beers and to talk with Ian and Johnny (the bartenders) and Tad (the bouncer). Started out with the Pacific Coast Imperial Stout, not remembering that it is about 10% ABV… talk about a strong beer! While Janet was still working on her stout, I had a Hair of the Dog Golden Rose, one of the best Californian beers. Then we moved onto the good Belgian stuff. They said that the keg was marked as Lindeman’s Framboise, but we all thought that it was a Kriek (Framboise = Raspberry, Kriek = Sour Cherry).
The highlight of last night actually happened when I went over to Rosamundefor a sausage (hey, sausage is good bar food). When I was over there, some buzz-cut skinny-ass euro-trash was moaning and wailing because Holland was beaten that afternoon. Poor freaking baby. His girlfriend was told to remove the drugged out lout from the shop or that he would be removed. Listen, I love soccer… but there is a point when you can just go too far.
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