Best Coffee in SF
- Review of: Blue Bottle Coffee Company
- By: Avery Glasser
- Rating:
- Read review on Judy’s Book.
One of two destination coffee houses in The City, Blue Bottle has dramatically improved the consistancy of their roast since bringing in a new roasting machine, making Blue Bottle arguably the best beans produced in the Bay Area (though I am still a Ritual fan for the luxury of their cappuccinos).
Blue Bottle has made me start to hate to-go coffee. If you don’t have a few minutes to get a gibraltar or cappuccino and talk with the barista, enjoying a perfect coffee out of a proper ceramic cup – you probably shouldn’t be allowed to have one. Spend your time in line contemplating what you are going to have, wait with exhilirating anticipation as you see the barista making your drink, and spend a couple of minutes in pure contemplation while you enjoy it. Such a drink shouldn’t be rushed – sloshed into a paper cup and chugged as you rush to your next appointment. As they do it in Italy and France, slow down and take a quick pause with a coffee and actually engage in conversation, or read the newspaper, or just take a minute to enjoy a perfect cup.
The consistancy issues that plagued them initially seem to be gone with the new roasting equipment, but at the same time, the individual character of the beans haven’t been impacted. For coffee purists, it’s Mecca, Medina and the whole Magillah.
If you think that coffee only deserves hot pressurized water and a little whole milk foam – get ready to stand in line with the rest of the coffee junkies. If, however, you want an eggnog-cinnamon-dolce frappuccino coffee-type beverage, go back to Starbucks.
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