Not that much to say today. Brought the cat in for another check (white blood count is going up, which is not good, but she is getting her strength back…)
Since having to take the cat in to the vet essentially kills our ability to go and shop for groceries after work, we have been relying on delivery pizza for the past few days… and regardless of how good it is, I am just sick of it. Plus, with the Casino (cafeteria) at work closed for vacation, the only food for lunch within walking distance of the office is Italian as well (even though it is really fantastic).
Anyway, our salvation was found in the fashion of little white boxes filled with the fantastic sushi from Kim’s. Excellent quality sushi, fair prices and most of all… they deliver! All we need to do now is find a good delivery Chinese place and we will be all set for the cold winter months.
Not that it was cold today… far from it. Some news reports put the high at 40 Grad (degrees centigrade)! Two more degrees and I am officially declaring my office space a sauna and will start charging admission and towel fees!
Time to have a beer, finish watching Cartman Gets an Anal Probe on South Park and continue my slow melt.
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