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Ready… Aim…

Because I've been having such crappy days at work, what with my entire hard drive UP and DYING, Avery told me that he had a gotten surprise for me. When I opened the cleverly-wrapped box (it was wrapped in an old Celebrator Beer News&#41 I found a new game for the Playstation: Time Crisis (plus Guncon, which is "the most accurate gun ever for the Playstation game console!" so says the box.&#41 At the time, low blood sugar coupled with that "I just got home from work after a long and trying week" feeling rendered me more or less apathetic, but my curiosity eventually got the best of me and I started playing. And playing. And playing. I love shooting games best of all, especially when you get to use an actual plastic gun. As a matter of fact, now that my fingers and neck seem to have unclenched since the last round of killing bad guys, I think I'll go play some more. Talk about stress relief! I'll play this one until I'm crippled, by god!

Posted in Smirks.

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