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If you look at the shelf full of glasses behind the bar at the Toronado, you might notice that there is a special group of glasses off to the side in their own little area of the glasses shelf. These are the regulars’ own pint glasses, and each of them has some kind of cool and individual design on them. At this point in our Regular Status at the Toronado, we could probably bring in our own glasses as well, but we haven’t found any unique enough ones yet. I order Guinness a great deal of the time, and one day I noticed that I was getting my Guinness in an actual rounded Guinness glass instead of a plain ‘ole pint glass. I know that they don’t have any glasses like that, so I felt kind of honored that I was most likely being blessed with a Regular’s glass. There’s one other rounded-type glass, shaped kind of like the Guinness one, but with the Brains Brewery logo on it, the very last remaining one left over from Brains night a few months ago. The first Guinness I got last night came in the Brains glass, the second in the Guinness glass. When Ian brought the second one to me, he mentioned that he had made a faux pas by letting me drink out of the Brains glass, as that was Johnny’s (bartender of the blonde hair) personal drinking glass, which must not be given out at any time. Whoops, but geez, how many people will ever have that chance?

Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

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