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Better than Belgium?

Better than Belgium?

Review of: Recchiuti Confections Store
By: Avery Glasser
Rating: 5
Read review on Judy’s Book.

Have you ever had something that was so good that you kicked yourself in the ass for waiting so long to try it? Well, that’s what I was doing all afternoon after having my first truffle from Recchiuti.

For me, it was always the price… paying a dollar a truffle after spending time in Belgium where I could pay just a few euros for a kilo of Leonidas was just too much. However, since my wife and I were entertaining a friend from Antwerp, we wanted to show her the best the city can offer – so we went to the Ferry Plaza, dug deep into our pockets and ponied up $2.50 for two pieces: a raspberry truffle and the burnt caramel.

Ok, enough backstory… on to the chocolate.

First off, I hate fruited chocolate… which makes my love for the raspberry truffle quite surprising. It isn’t just that the balance of the fruit and chocolate are spot on, but that the raspberry’s flavor includes the texture and flavor nuances that you only expect from the fresh fruit. Even though the ganache filling was exceptionally smooth, I could shut my eyes and taste the small seeds of the fruit. It was truly exceptional. The burnt caramel was also fantastic – balancing the taste of burnt sugar, butter and chocolate, with no single flavor dominating.

If you love chocolate, take pause before going there, because either way, you’ll lose. Either you’ll kick yourself in the ass for having waited so long to try it, or you’ll kick yourself in the ass because you’ve become addicted to the myriad flavors they offer.

Posted in Reviews.

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