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Wish I took a picture of dinner tonight…

The Duck…
2 Large Duck Breasts (Barbarie)

For the Duck…
2 large red chilies
1 mandarin orange (the juice of it)
1 roughly chopped head of fresh garlic
Olive oil (a couple of splashes)

The Salad…
1 head lollo rosso (ruby lettuce)
1 head frissee
2 discs of goat cheese
1 handful sliced almonds
3 mandarins (the juice from)
extra virgin olive oil
1 thinly sliced red onion
Balsamic Vinegar

The duck:
Score skin and rub some of the duck marinade mixture into the skin (should be about half of the mix).

Put it in a cold sautee pan and put it on high, skin side down. When it starts to render the fat, leave it on high for 5 minutes, then flip and reduce heat to medium and let it cook for another 10 minutes. When done, let rest and then slice thin.

For the salad, take the greens, the rest of the duck marinade and the goat cheese, toss.

Take the almonds and lightly toast them in a frying pan. Add to juice of orange. Add onions, olive oil and balsamic vinegar to mix. Combine and add to the salad. Toss.

Arrange salad on plate. Drizzle with two tablespoons of the rendered duck fat. Drape the sliced duck onto the salad. Serve.

Posted in Food.

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