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Wies’n – Day 2

Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2Oktoberfest Day 2

Today, we went back to the Wies’n, the site of the Oktoberfest, with the goal of actually being able to sit in one of the tents. The site opened at 9am, and we arrived shortly after. By 9:30, we were enjoying our first beers at Ochsenbraterei, one of Spaten’s tent. As you can see in the pictures, the site was empty at 9, and was packed by 11. Around 2pm, we wandered over to Augustiner to see the tent (and we remarkably were even able to get a seat and have a beer!)… then afterwards spent the next few hours bouncing in and out of Hacker, Paulaner and Schutzen-Festzelte just to see the crowds and hear the bands.

Two days down, 14 days to go. Oh, my aching liver!

— Avery

Posted in Pictures.

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