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Archived Observation

Last week, I attended my office's holiday party. It was held at a nice hotel, and the food was passable, if not memorable. While I was milling around, I happened to notice that my director was walking around with this absolutely stunningly gorgeous woman on his arm.


As the night rolled on, Bill, my director, happened to come by to shake my hand and introduce his companion. So, as I extended my hand to shake hers, he finished his introduction: I'd like to introduce you to my daughter.

I stood there absolutely stunned. His daughter. As she sipped casually at her drink, Bill nudged me as he said that she was only seventeen. I was floored. I remember seventeen year old girls from high school. They were flat-chested, awkward, spindly little things. Bill's daughter could have easily passed as a 23 year old model.

I don't know what they're putting in the school milk these days, but it sure does a body good.

Posted in Observations.

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