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Shuttle to Nowhere

You know, I have really been harsh towards the dedicated, hard-working morons at MUNI. What I have come to realise, is that anyone who drives people around for a living must have to get a state-mandated lobotomy. Yesterday, Janet and I went to the Brian Setzer concert with Carlos and Adriana from my office. We met up at the Occidental Grill, one of the classic American restaurants in the city. After drinks with one of the owners (Curtis Post, a long time acquaintance&#41 and a light dinner… it was time to head out to the show.
So, we went outside to a busy corner to hail a cab. 5 minutes later, we were on our way to the Warfield Theater, a city landmark and one of 3 concert halls in the city… or so we thought…
The cab driver had no idea how to get to the Warfield. He asks us "Do you know where it is?"… I would never ask a passenger that question… If I was a cabbie, I would radio into the dispatch office and ask for directions. I would never show the passengers that I had no idea how to get somewhere. So, after steering him close to the Warfield, we just got out and walked the last 2 blocks.
It's like when I have to get to the airport for a business trip. When I travel, I call SuperShuttle, an airport shuttle service. On more than 3 occasions, I have been asked by the driver "What's the fastest way to get to the airport from here?". Number one, if I had a car, why would I call the SuperShuttle? Number two, YOU'RE THE FREAKING PROFESSIONAL! RADIO TO YOUR BASE AND GET DIRECTIONS. Putzes. All of them.

Posted in Scowls.

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