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Barfly Life

Lat night, after the Brian Setzer concert (check today’s entry in the smirks section to see what we thought of the show) we went to the Toronado for what was planned to be a couple of beers. We ended up staying there until last call. Oh well, it’s not the first time that we’ve been there until 2am, and it won’t be the last.

Most of the night was spent talking to Steve, one of the bartenders/bouncers. He’s one of those types who you always see at the bar, but never really talk to. Last night we talked. It was great! We spent almost 2 hours discussing why movie sequels suck… which led to a discussion of Star Wars, cartoons, and all other geeky stuff. Like I have said before, it’s the personality of the bartenders and the barflys that really creates the mood at a bar.

On a beer-geek note, I had the new Jolly Roger from Lind Brewery… which at 8% abv is a strong beer to start with. From there, I moved onto a pair of Hop Ottin IPAs from Anderson Valley Brewery, which were mild in comparison at 7.5% abv. We ended the night with a Boon Kriek Mariage Parfait, a sour Belgian Lambic beer with a touch of sour cherry added in the secondary fermentation.

Posted in The Barfly Chronicles.

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